Friday, March 8, 2013

Cub Scouts

For February den meetings, we worked on the collections achievement (wolf) and elective (bear). We decided to do penny collections since we could do that in den meeting at a minimal cost. I printed up card-stock sheets with spots for the pennies for each year the boys had been alive and also for the years their parents were born. They had a lot of fun sorting through $2.00 worth of pennies to find the right ones.We used a handi-tac type product to stick the pennies to the card-stock. We talked about the type of things they could collect and I showed my son's patch collection and a couple of other collections from my family. I collected several items that they could collect and displayed them on a tray (stamp, postcard, toy car, rock, mug, sea shell, quarter, magnet, stuffed animal, leaf, etc). After discussing each item, I covered them up and had the boys write down the ones they could remember.

We also made puddle jumpers with the boys (I learned that the cans are not as strong as they used to be). We had a friend of one of the parents who brought several collections to share with the boys. We held onto the boy's penny collections so they could show them off at pack meeting. Here's a photo of the sheet I made for each boy:

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