Sunday, February 24, 2013

Activity Day

When I was an Activity Day Leader, we liked to talk about goals and choice in January. We talked about setting a goal to read scriptures everyday and fun ways to mark their scriptures. We suggested that the girls look for what Heavenly Father is asking us to do and marking that in one color; and then look for His promise to us and mark in a different color.

We made cookies and divided the dough into individual portions and let the girls choose one add-in (raisins, cranberries, coconut, chocolate chips, nuts, etc). One of the girl, while mixing in her add-in asked if she could do a second. It was a good chance to talk about how sometimes the choices we make limit future options. She had made her choice and no longer had the other choices available.

The girls would also have fun shoveling snow for the senior citizens in your neighborhood if it happened to snow on the day of your activity.

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