Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cub Scouts

September is a great time to collect leaves to make a leaf collection. Teach the boys how to press them inside of a book one week, and then mount and label them the next week. While out in the neighborhood collecting leaves they can also pick up liter.

Take the boys to a nature center or other place. Our boys went to see the wildlife displays at a local outdoor store.

The boys can learn about birds and make bird feeders. I've seen fun ones with peanut butter and pine cones, cereal hung on yarn, and birdseed 'cookies' made with birdseed and unflavored gelatin molded in cookie cutter shapes. Check and make sure your boys don't have any food allergies. We had to find an alternative from the peanut butter pine cone feeders this year because of a peanut allergy.

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