Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cub Scouts

Summertime is in full swing and a good time for boys to be having outdoor fun. Our July plans include day camp, the Bear requirement for games, the Wolf requirement for making good choices (also a Bear elective), and learning to sing Choose the Right if the boys don't already know it (be sure to include a discussion on agency to complete a Faith in God requirement). The Cub Scout core value for July is courage so be sure to discuss how sometimes it takes courage to make good choices.

A good story that goes along with this is called Another Kind of Courage from the Friend magazine (June 1986). Years ago I had some boys act out scenes from this story for a slide show to be used in Sharing Time (back when we had to use real slides and a slide projector). It would be fun to have the boys act out scenes from the story to be shown in pack meeting as you read the story.

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